Paddentrek Potmarge Protection Programme
Since 2012, the Paddentrek Potmarge works officially with the name PAD (Potmarge Amphibian Target group) at the Potmarge in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands to aid amphibians in safely crossing the road during their annual migration.
The idea was formed during the migration of 2011 when the Van Hall Larenstein University students Tariq Stark and Carlijn Laurijssen noticed that a lot of newts were being road killed in the Potmarge. To support the newts, they founded PAD in cooperation with other students, the Van Hall Larenstein University and the municipality of Leeuwarden before the next season in 2012. PAD aims not only on supporting amphibians but also on education for students and local residents.
The total counting of 539 amphibians including a population of 200 common toads of which nobody knew that they existed, the first season (2012) turned out to be a huge success. Due to this success, it was decided to continue with PAD.
The second season (2013) saw a huge rising in supporting volunteers and the addition of coordinator Jeroen Breidenbach. Besides supporting the amphibians, presentations and instruction lessons were also provided to Van Hall Larenstein University students. The season ended with being rewarded first at the Van Hall Larenstein Golden Globes Awards, a nomination at the Leeuwarden Courant Awards and a publication in the digital magazine of Frog log of the IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group.
The year 2014 marks the third season for PAD and shall contain several new projects: PAD is also trying to involve local residents, provide information evenings and attract students from other schools.
Would you like to know more? Then visit their website. Or if you would like to contribute to this project then feel free to contact the organisation.